Wednesday, 28 January 2009

A Week of Small Things: 1

In the amazing world of Blogland, I'm constantly finding sites of incredible beauty and talent - often created by other women, who perhaps will never have a book published or even make their living with their skills. Nonetheless, their work is humbling and enriching, and yet it is easy to feel a little overawed. So I found myself asking, why am I doing this blog? Certainly, I want to connect with friends and family, but I'm not in the market for competing with anyone else. I realise that most of all, I want to see my life as it really is. All too often our days are spent rushing around fulfilling various demands. There isn't much time to see or remember what is happening day to day, that is actually very beautiful in its' simplicity. Much of my life is taken up with small things - nothing earth shattering, but the simple stuff of the everyday journey. And I know that as I grow older, I won't remember the details. So, for a week, at least, I will be sharing with you the small things of my life, and perhaps inspiring you to see the beauty in the small things of your life.

Like coffee and toast...

Finished homework (!)

Building train tracks and having adventures...

A pile of cords all washed and folded...

Playing farmers...


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  1. It's so good to see the daffodils coming out already, something I miss! It's such a treat to read your blog, Hilary :). Love, Annie

  2. Love your comments Hilary. Ispiring me to maybe reconnect with my own blog spot which has been put on the backburner!

    Keep it's charming!
